Child Care
Child Care
Before and after school child care is available at Greenlawn. Before care is from 7:00 A.M. until 8:10 A.M. and after care is from 3:30 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. If you need before and/or after school care for your child, please pick-up an application from the office. Students are not allowed to attend before or after care without being registered for the service.
Child Care Prices
Registration Fee: One time fee of $20.00 (August-January) or $15.00 (February-April)
Morning only fee per week: $20.00
Afternoon only fee per week: $27.00
Morning and afternoon fee per week: $32.00
If you have any questions regarding child care, please call Mrs. Ilene Kelly at 467-2207.